College essay writers
Opinion Essay Topics On Ulcerative Colitis
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Human Resource Management :: Personnel Management
Human Resource Management This undertaking is intended to show what I have realized in the Human Resource Management course. The task gives rules on the data I learned in class about genuine situations. This would offer me the chance to distinguish and clarify all the variables that identify with authoritative conduct. I mean to exhibit my insight and my capacity to execute the aptitudes that I have procured in this class. In the film â€Å"Gladiator†Russell Crowe assumes the job of the Roman general Maximus, who was sold out by his companions and was requested to be slaughtered. He had the option to get away from death and get back, where he discovered his better half and child executed by the New Emperor. Maximus looked for retribution, however he was caught by slave merchants and was brought to the warrior school. By and by Maximus demonstrated extraordinary potential as an exceptional warrior and a pioneer. His choices were fast, which made his observers love him. Maximus was chosen to go to the warrior game in Rome; on the off chance that he lived there, he would be conceded opportunity. Maximus acknowledged the offer and went to Rome. During the games, Maximus demonstrated that he was an incredible pioneer and warriorâ€he had the option to catch his observers. The New Emperor was amazingly scared when he perceived Maximus as an expected danger. The Emperor had numerous foes and with Ma ximus being in Rome, his circumstance was declined. Maximus was going to over toss the Emperor with the guide of Senate and the Emperor’s sister. Maximus’ armed force was faithful to him; they would assist him with avenging his family and over toss the Emperor. The plot against the Emperor fizzled, which lead Maximus’ up close and personal encounter with the Emperor in the Coliseum. The Emperor cut Maximus before the match, which made him exceptionally feeble. Regardless of the injuries incurred by the Emperor, Maximus had the option to destruction and murder the Emperor. Maximus too kicked the bucket (from his injuries) however he achieved his objective to retaliate for his family. As I would like to think Maximus is an extravert attributable to his capacity to coexist with individuals. He had a ton of vitality, and has a lot of associations with different characters in the film. All through the film, Maximus demonstrated his capacity to manage individuals by and large. For instance, in the start of the film, when he was battling the brutes before the fight he drove all through his military conversing with his troopers and preparing them.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Discussing the Terms - Vernacular, Social Network, Crossover Effect, Research Paper
Examining the Terms - Vernacular, Social Network, Crossover Effect, Creole Continuum - Research Paper Example Informal community: The expression, interpersonal organization, alludes to a gathering of individuals who are held together by familial, proficient or different interests. As a rule, the most well-known informal communities are family gatherings, alluding to both atomic and more distant families. To the extent that youngsters or youth are concerned, school and school companions establish an informal organization of essential significance, similarly as work partners frequently do with grown-ups. To be sure, were one to basically think about the idea of interpersonal organizations comparable to oneself, one would find him/herself to be an individual from different informal communities, both genuine and virtual. In application to myself, I would distinguish my genuine work interpersonal organizations as my loved ones, to name yet two gatherings and my virtual informal communities as all the web talk and intrigue gatherings to which I have a place and with whose individuals I share regul ar interests and diversions. Ethnography of Communication: As an idea, ethnography of correspondence, allude to a fascinating wonder; one which depends on an admission to the way that there is considerably more to verbal correspondence and collaboration than the trading of data. As indicated by the anthropologist, D. House (2003), the idea of ethnography of correspondence was presented and created by the anthropologist Dell Hymes, who contended that verbal interchanges must be completely comprehended and acknowledged were their social setting mulled over. As such, and as House (2003) clarifies, inside the setting of for all intents and purposes any types of verbal correspondences, the significance isn't conveyed through words alone yet in addition through hushes, tones, subtleties and the holes between exchanges.â
Friday, August 21, 2020
What Does It Mean to Have a Type B Personality
What Does It Mean to Have a Type B Personality Theories Personality Psychology Print Are You a Type B Personality? Type B traits can have advantages and challenges By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on February 06, 2020 More in Theories Personality Psychology Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In This Article Table of Contents Expand Type A vs. Type B Definition Are You a Type B? Health Relationships School and Career Living With a Type B Interacting With a Type B View All Back To Top While you are probably familiar with the characteristics of the Type A personality (hard-driving, ambitious, perfectionist), you might not be as familiar with its counterpart, the Type B personality. People with a Type B personality are often described as easy-going, relaxed, and highly flexible. The type B personality is basically the opposite of the type A. Where type A’s are meticulous; type B’s tend to take a much more casual and carefree approach.?? Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin Type A vs. Type B There are many different theories of personality. Some of the most popular ones attempt to categorize personalities into a number of broad types based upon shared characteristics. The Big 5 theory and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are two well-known examples.?? The Type A and Type B types were first introduced during the 1950s by cardiologists Rosenman and Friedman who were interested in how an individual’s personality might serve as a predictor for heart disease later on in life. As researchers continued to explore this link, they noted that certain clusters of personality traits seemed to have a link to specific physical illnesses. People with type A personality traits such as aggression and competitiveness were found to have a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, and related heart complications. People with Type B personalities, on the other hand, had a lower incidence of heart problems. Rosenman and Friedman concluded that type A traits could play a role in the development of heart problems.?? What Does Type B Personality Mean? So what exactly distinguished this type of personality? The type B personality lacks the behaviors typically seen in the A type. It is important to remember that the two types act as a continuum, with people usually leaning either more toward one type over the other. The type B personality is characterized by a set of traits that include:?? FlexibilityLow stress levelsRelaxed attitudeAdaptability to changeEven-temperedLaid-backTendency to procrastinatePatienceCreativity It is important to remember that everyone tends to experience the above traits to some degree from time to time. People with the type B personality, however, exhibit these traits more often than not. You should also know that identifying your personality type is not an attempt at a mental health diagnosis. However, some patterns of traits and behaviors have been linked to physical health. Knowing your type can help you better understand your tendencies, including your potential strengths and weaknesses. How to Know If You’re a Type B Personality The type B personality is often assessed by looking at the exclusion of type A traits. People who are low in characteristics and behaviors that are typical of the type A personality are often then considered a type B. One of the most widely used measures of type A behavior is the Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS). The assessment requires an interviewer to assess the test respondents verbal, nonverbal, and emotional responses. Questions on the assessment focus on three main areas in which the divide between type A and type B behaviors can be clearly observed: Job involvement, competitiveness, and impatience.?? Type Bs tend to score lower on all three of these areas than do A types. Question to Consider If you are wondering if you might have a type B personality, it can be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:Do you find joy in the journey and enjoy taking the time to complete a task?Do you tend to be a pretty easy-going person?When playing games, are you focused on just having fun?Do you often wait until the last minute to do things?When eating a meal, do you eat slowly and savor every bite?Do you usually tackle tasks one at a time?Are you able to relax when you are away from work?Are you good at maintaining low stress levels?Do you focus more on enjoying an activity or on finishing the task? Health So what sort of health challenges might you need to consider if you have more of a type B personality? One advantage of the this type of personality is that people with this cluster of traits tend to have a lower risk of developing heart disease and high blood pressure. They may also have better immunity because of their lower stress levels and better stress management stills. This does not mean, however, that the type B personality is free from challenges.?? While people with the type B personality are less prone to coronary heart disease, this does not necessarily mean that having this cluster of personality traits confers an automatic protective effect. One issue that people with the type B personality may face is a tendency to take an overly relaxed attitude toward their health. Because they can often be so laid back, they might not be as diligent about maintaining healthy behaviors or staying on top of regular health checkups. Some have suggested that since type A behaviors are more connected to heart problems, there might be some benefit to helping people adopt more of a type B approach. However, doing so could also lead to negative outcomes. If an ambitious, driven, workaholic stopped displaying those stereotypical type A behaviors, it could lead to reduced productivity, decreased job function, and even loss of income. These effects could then negatively impact health by increasing stress levels. Your Personality Type Can Impact Physical and Mental Health Relationships Individuals with type B personalities tend to be warm, supportive, and patient in their relationships with others. They are excellent listeners and are usually very good at getting along with others. Type Bs don’t allow minor problems to get to them, and they are good at keeping a level head even during the most trying of times.?? This tendency to be content can be both a blessing and a curse for the type B personality. Because you are so adaptable and easy-going, you might sometimes accept unfair treatment or situations. Rather than speak up when someone treats you unfairly, you might be inclined to just let it go without causing a stir. As a type B, it is important to learn to stand up for yourself in situations where other people try to take advantage of your accommodating nature. School and Career Having a type B personality can have benefits at school and in the workplace, but it can also present challenges. Some advantages include: Academic achievement: Because type As tend to be so goal-driven and achievement-focused, you might suspect that they would be more likely to pursue challenging degrees in medicine or law. One study found that in a sampling of 500 medical students, only around 10 percent of the participants had a type A personality while the majority (almost 90 percent) had a type B.?? Such results suggest that while type Bs have a more relaxed personality, it does not have a negative impact on their academic potential or achievements.Stress management skills: One major advantage of this personality type is the ability to cope well with stress and pressure. Even when faced with a great deal of stress, type Bs are usually able to maintain a level-headed, optimistic outlook. This can be beneficial in school and later on as people with this personality type enter the workforce.Flexibility: Type Bs also excel at adapting to change. Where individuals with type A personalities tend to be more rigid, type Bs are flexible and capable of dealing with changing or ambiguous situations. Some of the challenges that a type B might encounter in this area include: Perceptions: Because people with this personality type are more laid-back, they can sometimes be perceived as lazy or indifferent. This can make it difficult for some with this personality type to make a good impression while still maintaining their easy-going image. Type Bs may need to make an extra effort to project an image of hard-working professionalism in the workplace.Procrastination: The tendency to procrastinate is one challenge that type B students may need to overcome. Establishing a good study and homework schedule that ensures steady progress toward a goal can be a helpful approach. School and work can impose deadlines, so finding a way to manage your time and get things done when they need to be done can ensure academic and professional success. Living With a Type B Personality Not all type Bs are the same, but there are a few things you can do to help manage aspects of your personality that are characteristic of this type. Use Your Time Well Taking a relaxed attitude toward life can be useful for managing stress most of the time, except when you start letting things go to the point where you feel like you’re always scrambling to catch up. Establishing a more structured schedule can help you stay on task and get things done, allowing you to enjoy the process without the last-minute race to meet deadlines.?? Don’t Put Things Off Because people with this personality type tend to be very relaxed, they are known to procrastinate until the last minute. This can lead to missed deadlines or a last minute rush to get projects completed on time. Avoiding this tendency can help you stay on track and avoid missing important deadlines.?? Let Others See Your Strengths One problem that type Bs often encounter is that others sometimes see them as lazy or inefficient when they are really just working quietly and steadily toward a goal. To make sure that your boss and co-workers see your hard work for what it is, you might need to make an effort to meet type As somewhere in the middle. It might feel like micromanaging, but giving regular updates on your progress will show that you are meeting deadlines on time. Set Goals Type Bs tend to be broad-mindedâ€"they don’t like to set strict schedules or even create limited goals. They are more content to kick back and see where the journey takes them. This can limit their success at times, however, so it can be helpful to create more specific goals.?? Such goals might be more general and long-term than what a type A would set out to achieve, but they can give your type B personality something to work towards. Tips for Interacting With a Type B Personality Even if you are not a type B personality, the chances are good that you know quite a few people with that sort of personality. If you are more of a type A, you might occasionally find the type B approach to life a bit frustrating. This can be particularly true for type A managers working with type B employees. Your approach to work is probably quite a bit differentâ€"more rigid and focusedâ€"while your type B employees have a more laid-back, seemingly messier style of getting things done. This sometimes leads to type Bs being mislabeled as lazy when the truth is that they usually just don’t get the recognition that they deserve for the work they do. Here are some things you should remember when you are interacting with a type B personality: They have a plan, but it’s probably in their heads. Type As like to make detailed plans and to-do lists, but type Bs are more likely to have mental notes of what they need to get done. Just because they don’t have it written down, however, doesn’t mean that they aren’t on track.They work well in groups. Type Bs often do well in group brainstorming sessions where they can share ideas off the top of their heads. People with this personality type are happy to share success with others. The process tends to matter just as much as the outcome, so they usually enjoy being creative and exploring their options. Collaboration offers a way to be innovative and work with other like-minded individuals.They don’t like to be rushed. Type Bs are not focused on making sure that every single moment is accounted for and that maximum efficiency is ensured. They need time and space to work on projects at their own pace. A Word From Verywell It is important to remember that the Type A/B approach is just one way of thinking about personality. This approach also tends to be a fairly broad and imprecise way of classifying personality types. Other theories of personality typically break down personality further into a number of broad dimensions that include such traits and conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.?? Why Learning More About Your Personality Type Can Benefit Your Life
Monday, May 25, 2020
Arsenic And Old Lace By Joseph Kasselring - 815 Words
Name of the play: Arsenic and old lace Playwright: Joseph Kasselring Year play was published: 1940 Description of setting: The play â€Å"Arsenic and old Lace†takes place in the Brewster household, Brooklyn 1940’s Theme: The theme in â€Å"Arsenic and old lace†is mental illness and murder. Mortimer’s aunts are mentally ill and enjoy to commit murder on old lonely men. Plot: Mortimer has 2 aunts, Martha and Abby Brewster, and they both live in an old house in Brooklyn with their nephew Teddy Brewster. Martha and Abby are adored in their neighborhood for their caring character. When Mortimer visits his favorite aunts to tell them the great news about just being newly married to his fiancà © Harper. Back then it was presumed that if one of your†¦show more content†¦climax  · Mortimer finds a dead body. They then try to dispose of it. falling action  · Lt. Rooney was called because they found a dead body. Lt. Rooney recognizes Johnathan as a convict and sent him to happy dale, along with teddy who is clinically insane. Characters: Mortimer Brewster- The play’s protagonist. He is the nephew of Martha and Abby Brewster and brother to teddy and Johnathan Brewster. Martha Brewster- Martha Brewster is the sister Abby Brewster who are murderous sisters and are the aunts to Teddy, Mortimer, and Johnathan. Abby Brewster - Abby Brewster is the sister of Martha Brewster, they are the dynamic homicidal duo. She lives with her sister in Brooklyn. Teddy Brewster- The nephew of Martha and Abby and the brother of Johnathan and Mortimer. He is certified insane and thinks he’s Theodore Roosevelt. He lives with his two aunts. Johnathan Brewster- He is the brother of Teddy and Mortimer and is the nephew to Martha and Abby. He is an escaped fugitive who has homicidal tendencies. Lt. Rooney- The Lt. that came to the house after the police called him. He arrested Johnathan, and Teddy and takes away the aunts to Happy Dale. Elaine Harper- The fiancà © to Mortimer. Dr. Einstein- The doctor that is an accomplice to Johnathan’s countless murders, who also changed Johnathan’s face surgically. Officer O’Hara- The policeman that called Lt. Rooney to the Brewster house. Mr. Spelanzo- A victim of the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Why The Maya Disappeared When They Did - 2124 Words
Known for its complex writing system, the Maya had existed from the Neolithic Era to the Classical Period. Composed of city states that ran through Central and South America, even after its collapse parts of it culture continues on today. Descendants of the Maya speak some of the original languages, and continue to live in Mexico and Belize; yet none of them live in the ruins of its previous society. Its original civilization was abandoned around early 900 CE, and what caused them to abandon their empire has been a mystery for a long time. As more clues are found possible causes start to be seen. As of today, there are many theories from scientists and historians on what could have caused the fall of the Maya at 900 CE, and that some of†¦show more content†¦This comes from what is thought to be a climate change that started around 660 CE, where rain began to happen less and less frequently, and the region started to get drier and drier. People still aren’t sure whet her or not the climate change was natural or mainly caused by the people, though it’s mostly like a mixture of both, since it was so rapid. The fact that droughts got worse fits in as a factor to the abandonment of its cities due to the fact that it made more problems for the people, like getting food. The fact that droughts were happening more often meant it was harder for the Maya to farm. It’s not known for sure what Mayans did for crops, since there are no noticeable artifacts left to show it, but corn made up 70% of their diet and the low amount of animal bones found in archaeological sites show that that there wasn’t a lot of animals being eaten, either due to lack or because they were only meant for certain people, like the priests and kings. What does this mean for the people? If they weren’t eating a lot of meat, then they were relying on crops, and if there were droughts going on each year more and more, it’d be harder to get enough crops for everyone in the civilization. From 800 to 1000 CE, there just wasn’t enough water to keep a steadily farm, which
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Use Of Magic, Spells, Creatures And Magical Devices
Throughout the Harry Potter series you are introduced to many forms of magic, spells, creatures and magical devices. One of the very first devices used in the series appears in the first book and is one of the main components to the book and a driving role in the plot even giving the book a title. That device is the Philosopher’s stone, also known as the Sorcerer’s stone. An extraordinary alchemist in the wizarding world and long-time friend of Albus Dumbledore, Nicolas Flame, created the stone. The stone is used to create the Elixir of Life potion. When someone drinks the Elixir of Life their life is extended however long they want as long as they keep taking the potion before its effects wear off. The potion can also reincarnate a dead†¦show more content†¦They include: Hagrid’s three-headed dog which protected the trap door to the chamber; Devil’s snare created by Professor Sprout; flying keys that were charmed by Flitwick; Professor McGonagall ’s life-size game of chess; the Mirror of Erised, which was put there by Dumbledore; Snipe’s potion riddle; and the troll which attacks Hermione in the bathroom brought in by Professor Quirrell. All seven creatures or enchantments work to protect the stone from Voldemort. However, throughout the year, Harry, Hermione, and Ron become suspicious of Snape and think that he is going to try and steal the treasured stone. Acting on their suspicions the three friends get past the seven complications Harry ends up having to duel Lord Voldemort and Professor Quirrell, who Voldemort was actually using to get to the stone. Harry defeats them both, Quirrell’s life is lost and Lord Voldemort is diminished from this world again. After the battle Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel decide to destroy the stone so that Voldemort could not get ahold of it at a later date. Since the stone is what was keeping Nicolas Flamel and his wife alive, they both ended up dying with the destructio n of the stone. Like many other aspects of the Potter series, the Philosopher’s Stone has many political links. The most evident display of political styles seen in the stone is perfectionism. The stone’s main uses are for
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Love And Revenge In Wuthering Heights Essay free essay sample
, Research Paper In the novel, Whuthering Heights, Emily Bronte has created one of the most controversial novel in the nineteenth century. Bronte has written a novel that contains many positions of complex thoughts. Revenge and love retaliation are illustrations of such. The chief subject of retaliation is protared through the character of Heathcliff. Heathcliff is besides portion of the subject of love accompanied by that of Cathy. The other half of the love subject is shown throught the actions of Hearton and Catherine. The intertwineing of the thoughts of retaliation and love prove to give Heathcliff a distored vision of love and Cathy a demand for such a love that merely Heathcliff can give to her. Where as Catherine and Hearton, the 2nd coevals, learn from the experiences of the earlier coevals that lived at Wuthering Heights. The first memories Heathcliff has of life at Wuthering Heights is that of being unequal. We will write a custom essay sample on Love And Revenge In Wuthering Heights Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hindley showed no other act to him but inhuman treatment. Hindley? s ferociousness, dictatorship, and homicidal force far outdo anything of which Heathcliff can be cused on the grounds ( Langman 143 ) . The subject of retaliation grows from the intervention Heathcliff recieves from is Hindley. His premier motive is love, or to be more precise the deficiency of love. He decides to oppress Heathcliff, because he feels this later has usurped his place in his male parent? s love. He refuses to let the minister of religion to go on Heathcliff? s instruction and forces the still really immature male child to work as a farm-hand. Here is one of the first exaples of thought of retaliation when Heathcliff says: # 8220 ; I don? T care how long I wait, if I can merely doe it, at last ( Bronte 47 ) . ? Heathcliff? s force and inhuman treatment are by contrast are non random and irresponsible, they are a willed. He has certain goals- power, money, a victory over the fortunes and agents of his former humiliation- and he uses force and fraudulence to make them ( Langman 143 ) . The event that was important in driving off Heatchcliff was Cathy? s determination to get married Linton, in which she says: ? I? ve no more concern to get married Edgar Linton than I have to be in Heaven ; and if the wicked adult male in at that place had non brought Heathcliff so low, I shouldn? Ts have thought of it. It would degrade me to get married Heatchcliff now ( Bronte 63 ) ; ? While witnessing this address he become indignant and runs off from Wuthering Highs. While off, Heathcliff transforms himself into a gentleman, in hopes of acquiring back Catherine. Upon returning to Wuthering highs, he discovers that Catherine has married Edgar, the program of retaliation grows from that thought of the loss of Cathy. The first portion of the program involves acquiring back at Edgar, the adult male who singularly took away his felicity, and so to perpetrate self-destruction. The minute Cathernine? s fervent welcome proves she still loves him, nevertheless, he abandons this program and adopts another # 8211 ; that of taking up abode once more at Wuthering Highs in order to be one time more in her locality ( Hagan 146 ) . The concluding behind this is to seek one time more to derive back the love of Catherine. The 3rd portion of the program trade with the the hopes of going maestro of the Heights and the Grange. This is done to take retaliation against all of the Earn shaws and the Lintons jointly. This concluding act of retaliation is the matrimony of Cathy and his boy Linton: ? Mr. Heathcliff, you have nobody to love you: and, nevertheless suffering you make us, we still hold the retaliation of believing that your inhuman treatment arises from your greater wretchedness! ( Bronte 218 ) ? This brotherhood completed the journey of retaliation for Heathcliff. With that brotherhood Heathcliff g ains control of Thrushcroft Grange. This great passion in the demand for retaliation an administering Acts of the Apostless of inhuman treatment help the reader to in understanding his footing of emotions. This explains the misunderstood definition of love he understands. Which I will now discourse is love between Heathcliff and Cathy. Love is expressed in two entiresly different thoughts. The first type of love is that sort that occures between Heathcliff and Cathy, which a sort of love definded by that of demand. The secondly type is that of Hareton and Catherine, this type of love is more of a true type of love. Barbara Prentis, writer of The Brote Sister and George Eliot, thinks that the thoughts of love expressed by the characters are in fact, reflected non by Brontes ain life because? this miss seeked no comfort in Earth, no hubby, no lover, no close company, could compose of these things in poesy and her novel with such unity and strong belief? ( 99 ) . The first type of love is referred to by other writers as fabulous, cold, a love of agony, and that of a tragic love. The first illustration of this oneness type of droping for love occurs when Cathy says: ? Whatever our psyches are made of, his and mine are the same ( Bronte 62 ) . ? This lead manner to one of the most influential addresss made by Cathy about her feelings toward Heathcliff. In which she states: ? If all else perished, and he remained, and he were annihilated, the existence would turn to a mighty alien: I should non look a portion of it. My love for Linton is like the leaf in the forests: clip will alteration it, I? m good cognizant, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the ageless stones beneath: a beginning of small seeable delectation, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff. He? s ever, ever in my head: non as a pleasance, any more than I am ever pleasance to myself, but as my ain being. So don? t talk of our separation once more: it is infeasible # 8230 ; . ( Bronte 63-64 ) . ? ? This declaration of Cathy? s feelings is an enterprise non so much to convey the strength as to specify the nature of her love, and so to win a acknowledgment from Nell ( and, in a sense, from the reader ) of it value ( Langman 141 ) . ? In which she has defined her feeling toward Heathcliff and Linton in depicting the different footing of her feelings. She explains she must love him, that it is portion of her nature. ? Through her feeling toward Heathcliff, Catherine discovers her ain individuality, her topographic point in the universe # 8211 ; as he does through her ( Langman 141 ) . ? These thoughts she expresses explain to us the felling of the deepest sort of passion she knows and that it is portion of her being. This is a love which longs for a psyche integrity with the beloved. Another illustration of this love occurs in the last meeting between Heathcliff and Cathy. In which she continues to experience the actal love that Heathcliff encompasses for her. Cathy says: ? # 8230 ; and should a word of mine hurt you hearafter, think I feel the same hurt resistance, and for my ain interest, forgive me! # 8230 ; Nay, if you nurse you anger, that will be worse to retrieve that my rough words! # 8230 ; ..Oh you see, Nelly! He would non yield a minute to maintain me out of the grave! That is how I am loved ( Brote 123-124 ) ! ? She is squealing that she is traveling to decease. She is besides teasing with the image of himself sing her grave with is married woman and kids. She inquiries that who will of all time love now that she is gone.
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